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Criminal Defense and Criminal Compliance

Criminal Defense and Criminal Compliance

Hengtai's criminal defense and criminal compliance team, consisting of energetic and professional members, is well armed by both legal knowledge and extensive practical experience. The team comprises a number of cross-disciplinary professional talents well versed in handling big, difficult and complex criminal cases. We not only represent our clients in litigation cases such as financial crimes, duty-related crimes, tax-related crimes, infringement upon personal safety and property-related crimes, in non-litigation cases such as filing of criminal charges, special criminal investigation, anti-bribery and anti-corruption training, prevention of crimes committed by shareholders and senior executives, criminal protection for intellectual property, criminal contingency plan, but also provide criminal compliance services such as risk diagnosis, risk prevention and risk disposal for enterprises and entrepreneurs. The following cases represented by us have attracted extensive media coverage: the first fake ticket case at Disneyland, the illegal detention of a Mr. Yan in a district of Shanghai and the gang crime of extortion (loan trap). Besides, we have also obtained positive results for our clients in other cases such as fraud, illegal siphoning of the public's funds, illegal foreign exchange transactions, identity certificates trading, illegal business operation, obstruction of official duties, copyright infringement, intentional assault, picking quarrels and provoking trouble, drug trafficking and infringement of citizens' personal information.

Our services include

Criminal Defense

Representing our clients to report criminal offenses and file criminal charges

Acting as advocate for criminal suspects and accused persons in criminal proceedings, including criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and death penalty review

Representing our clients to fully communicates with the law enforcement agencies, and safeguarding the interest of our clients to the greatest extent in criminal coercive measures, criminal compensation, criminal settlement, and other matters

Representing victims in criminal proceedings and civil suits collateral to criminal proceedings 

Representing our clients in civil and administrative proceedings related to criminal cases, and assisting our clients in investigation and collection of evidence and in response to action

Representing our clients in criminal complaint proceedings and other legal activities related to criminal cases

Criminal Compliance

Assessing criminal risk for corporate clients

Assisting clients in establishing a sound internal compliance system and risk control system

Providing legal trainings for the prevention and control of criminal risk

Assisting clients in responding to investigations, dawn raids and inquiries by government agencies